Monday, March 10, 2008

Saturday - Part 2

Frankly speaking... the Playground wasn't that a wow place. But it does have quite a few nice spots to chill out.

We wanna wait for the fireworks at 7:45pm... so took spent some time walking around. First stop.. a bladng shop. YES!! I wanna take up blading together with Jem and Mark. Ooohhh, the Filas blades are just so cool!!! The course is 75bucks per pax but we really have to think whether we want Jem to go thru this first or swmming lessons first.

I have been trying to get Jem to go for rides for quite some time now. It's real irony when i keep seeing parents trying to pull their kids away frm kiddies' rides while I have to keep asking and only be rewarded with a vicious shake of head. BUT today, he said YES!!! He set his eyes on this red scooter (okay, motorbike..). Not cheap... 2bucks for 5mins but i still gotten him 15mins of playtime. He took some time to get the hang of it before zooming off in circles. And at last! I gotten the luxury of a crying child refusing to end his ride...

There's still some other stuff but they soon got bored, not to mention that Mr Sun was working hard that day. So we headed off some some cool shades under the trees near the beach. Father and kids had some nice bonding time as well.

While waiting for the fireworks, we chilled at this restaurant. Coffee not too bad, better than those instant ones bought back from Malacca thought it's the same brand. Dinner was good though. Ooohhh... the soup prawn noodles were really nice!! Mark enjoyed his Nasi Lemak. The kids had kaya sticky rice... weird combination one may think but what till u try out the kaya.

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