Tuesday, July 29, 2008

19th Jul ~ Celebrating Jay's Birthday Part II

Over at Sentosa, despited a passing shower... we had fun. Jem was as usual engrossed in his digging. Instead, the birthday boy seemed to have no interest atall and kept wandering off. He was more keen to play at the new playground and the ladder up to the watch tower.

I was getting upset that he wasn't enjoying much of his celebration and decided to bring him near the water. It was definitely the catalyst as he immediately switched into his rowdy self and start to jump, splash non-stop. The brink was not satisfying enough, he had to plunge deeper into the water. Yupz~ he definitely had his fun...

Thank goodness we did bring extra change.
More photos at http://www.flickr.com/photos/ting-family/sets/72157606419331985/

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